Tart, tangy true lemon aroma. This one smells like grated lemon peel (just as it should).
Lemon Oil is a strong germicide and astringent, a wonderful air disinfectant and freshener. I use it in cleaning solutions all the time for its clean scent and disinfecting action.
Lemon Essential Oil has fever reducing action as well as its effective germicidal action, so it’s a good oil to use to aid in treating colds and fevers. Lemon oil stimulates the immune system, and stimulates circulation. Lemon is a key component in most anti-cellulite blends. It has a toning effect on oily skin and hair.
Of all the oils where organic as opposed to conventional farming methods make a difference, the citrus fruit oils lead the way. After all, when a crop is sprayed with insecticides, it is the rind of the lemon that is coated with and absorbs the chemicals. Research has shown appallingly high levels of pesticides in many essential oils.
The use of organic cold pressed oils will eliminate the chemical residue completely.
BLENDS WITH: Any of the Conifer Oils, with many of the spice oils, and with other Citrus Oils. Also Atlas Cedarwood, Lavender, Neroli, Patchouli, and Peppermint.
SHELF LIFE: Approximately 1 to 2 years after you open the bottle. Storing in the dark, refrigerated, and decanting half full bottles into smaller, full bottles will extend shelf life.
SAFETY: Cold pressed Lemon Oil is a photosensitizer. Because of this, IFRA recommends that leave on products use, at most, a 2% dilution. (This does not apply to wash off products like soaps and shower gels.)
Certificate of Analysis:
Batch No. IT-B290N008
Batch No. IT-B290057
Batch No. IT-B290058
Batch No. IT-B290062
Batch No. IT-B290063
Batch No. IT-B290065
Batch No. IT-58850
Batch No. IT-58887
Batch No. IT-59084
Batch No. IT- 59200
Batch No. IT-59279
Batch No. IT-59301
Batch No. IT-59359
Batch No. IT-59420 (Current Batch)
Carol from Texas –
This reminds me of the Lemon Head candies, tangy lemon with a touch of sweet.
Man Seung Rosita Chan (verified owner) –
Donald Borgerson (verified owner) –
Tangy, tart, stimulating
Lisa (verified owner) –
Karen Allaire (verified owner) –
Tatiana Goluta (verified owner) –
Eva R. (verified owner) –
Fresh and crisp and juicy . Lively to the scenses.
Amie (verified owner) –
Fran (verified owner) –
Judith L (verified owner) –
Arica F. (verified owner) –
Anne Donofrio (verified owner) –
I love this for cleaning! 20 drops and a half a cup of white vinegar, and 1 3/4 cups of water gets everything, super clean and shiny, including glass! And it smells wonderful!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Lacey L. (verified owner) –
Nettie Pullella-Barca (verified owner) –
Very uplifting
Harris Franken (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Melody R. (verified owner) –
Bright and crisp, yum!
Hannah K. (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Love it!
Harris F. (verified owner) –
Jill Dunchick (verified owner) –
I love love love this smell and always keep this on hand:)
gloria meredith (verified owner) –
Nice smell/
Christina S. (verified owner) –
This is a delightful lemon. I took a whiff and thought ” Smells like Italy”.