Showing all 5 results
- Strong germicide and astringent
- Stimulates immune system & circulation
- Anti-cellulite
- Wonderful air disinfectant and freshener
Individual Carrier Oils, Carrier Oils
Camellia, White, Oil
Premium extra virgin, cold-pressed in the United Kingdom, from the seeds of organically certified Camellia oleifera.
Essential Oils, Conifer, A - E, ABC Groupings
Cupressus sempervirens, organically produced, steam-distilled young tips, France.
• Astringent
• Circulatory Stimulant
• Compress for hemorrhoids
• Hormonal effects
• Grief – blend with Rose or Jasmine
Essential Oils, F - L, Citrus, Citrus Oils
Citrus limon, organically produced, cold-pressed rind, Italy.
Lemon Hydrosol
Distilled from organically grown Meyer Lemons (citrus x meyeri)
• Astringent – great toner for oily skin or acne
• Concentration, mental alertness, focus
• Add this to your water, rather than the essential oil!