We’ve heard from several old friends and clients who are dealing with advanced cancer diagnoses among family or close friends, and are looking for ways that they can provide support to their loved ones. When I answer the same basic question six times in two weeks, it’s time to put my thoughts together. First, although […]
Providing Support
We’ve all done it. Ended up spilling or applying undiluted essential oils onto our skin. Perhaps, with all the good caution in the world, you spilled an oil while measuring. (One of our staff once spilled an 8 ounce “pour bottle” of Pink Grapefruit onto her blue jeaned lap…this possibility is why not only do […]
Pruritis is defined in the dictionary as “itching” but as a medical term it is a lot more serious…ongoing and maddening. Debbie Lobaugh, one of our nurse/clients recently wrote (and gave me permission to share) this success story. Quoting an ongoing conversation here. Debbie had asked for suggestions regarding pruritis caused by liver cancer…this was […]
Rachel was out of the office today so I ended up fielding the phone calls. An interesting day. I don’t know why people insist on blocking their phone number and name when they call. “You have Balsam Fir Essential Oil?” Yes, Canadian, from an Organic producer. “What does organic mean for an essential oil?” The […]
For the noncook – I stopped by a friend’s house today, and she urged me to take home a bag of homemade cookies. Now, this woman does not cook. Most definitely she doesn’t bake. And I am a bit of a snob when it comes to cookies. They had best be extraordinary, or they aren’t […]
Just got off the phone with one of our Nurse/Client’s in Wisconsin. She has been treating a patient with intractable psoriasis for some time. She’s tried almost every carrier oil on the market, many recommended essential oils (in proper dilution, of course!) with no results. She recently tried our Pomegranate CO2 extraction, undiluted, and is having […]
Our coolest essential oils and hydrosols–we are putting retail sizes of all of our mint oils and hydrosols on special sale at 10% off. The price is already discounted in the shopping cart, so you may still use any other discount codes. Vacation Savers Even though school is starting here in just two more weeks, […]
I was first introduced to Buddha Wood CO2 in another CO2 course perhaps two years ago, and was taught that its primary benefit was as an insecticide/repellant, primarily against the travelers’ bane – bed-bugs. And so I described it. Earlier this month I learned so much more about it, in Madeleine Kerkhof’s CO2s for Clinical CO2 Extracts […]
Because we are always surprised – the best selling essential oils during our Solstice sale: Tied for 9th, 10th and 11th place: Midwestern Peppermint, Himalayan Cedarwood and Holy Basil Tied for 8th, 7th,6th, 5th and 4th place: Tea Tree, Australian Sandalwood 10%, Organic Hungarian Peppermint, Kunzea, and Fragonia Third place: Taiwan Incense Cedarwood Second Place: […]
While displaying a selection of Nature’s Gift oils at the recent Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) conference, I felt a touch on my shoulder. The customer’s face was concerned, and her tone was gentle. “Marge, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” I smiled inside because I thought I knew what was […]