2 ml
Showing 61–72 of 81 results
- Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Anti-inflammatory
- Plantation grown, COSMOS
- High santalol content
- effective against fungal infections
- corns, calluses and other disorders of the foot
- anti-parasitic
- delightfully fresh, honeyed apple scent
- anti-histamine, anti-allergen properties
- blend with Helichrysum for skin damage
- Also sold in a pre-made inhaler
- safer and less irritating than high phenol thyme varieties
- strong anti-viral, excellent for viral, fungal and bacterial problems
- use in outdoor pest blends
Woods, Essential Oils, Sandalwoods
Sandalwood Album
Santalum album, sustainably and ethically farmed, steam distilled, heartwood, Australia
Essential Oils, Woods, CO2s, S - Z, Sandalwoods
Sandalwood CO2 Extract
Santalum spicatum, ethically cultivated from Western Australia.
– anti-bacterial
– anti-inflammatory
– complex, deeply spiritual
– “sacred” oil
Essential Oils, Woods, S - Z, Sandalwoods
Sandalwood New Caledonian
Santalum austrocaledonicum, sustainably plantation grown, hydrodistilled-distilled from heartwood,
Essential Oils, Woods, S - Z, Sandalwoods
Sandalwood, Australian
Santalum spicatum, ethically farmed, steam-distilled from heartwood, Australia.
– anti-bacterial
– effective against a broad range of gram positive and negative bacteria
– skin care oil for men
Essential Oils, Woods, S - Z, Sandalwoods
Sandalwood, Tamil, 2018
Santalum album, wildcrafted, hydrodistilled heartwood, Tamil Nadu, India 2018.
– anti-bacterial
– effective against a broad range of gram positive and negative bacteria
– skin care oil for men
Essential Oils, S - Z, Private Reserve
Southwest White Pine Cone
Pinus strobiformis Engelm., cones only. Wildcrafted in the mountains and distilled by an artisan distiller. Private Reserve. Samples available only on the dropdown menu, with other sizes.
– stillness and expansion
– refreshing “study oil”
Essential Oils, Woods, S - Z, Groupings
Spikenard – India
Nardostachys jatamansi, wild harvested in India, steam-distilled roots, (Sometimes called “Jatamansi” and/or “Nard.”).
• Limited supply
• Sedative (Insomnia/Migraines)
• “Sacred” oil
• Skin care
• Dandruff
Spikenard – Nepal
Nardostachys jatamansi,Ethically wildcrafted in Nepal, steam-distilled roots, (Sometimes called “Jatamansi” and/or “Nard.”).
• Limited supply, CITES certified
• Sedative (Insomnia/Migraines)
• “Sacred” oil
• Skin care
• Dandruff
Tagetes (Marigold)
Tagetes minuta, wildcrafted, steam-distilled flowers, India
Essential Oils, S - Z, Sale of the Month
Tansy, Blue (Moroccan Chamomile)
Tanacetum annuum, organically produced, steam-distilled flowers, Morocco.
Thyme, Linalool Spain
Thymus vulgaris linalool, Organically produced, steam-distilled flowering tops, Spain.
•Gentle antibacterial
•Limited quantities
Thyme, Thujanol
Thymus vulgaris chemotype Thujanol, organically produced, steam-distilled, France.