2 ml
Showing 25–36 of 81 results
Helichrysum, Italian
Helichrysum italicum subsp microphyllum, organically produced, from ethically wildcrafted steam-distilled flowers, Sardinia, Italy.
• Heals emotional wounds or trauma
• Energetic, emotional. spiritual uses
• Anti-inflammatory
Helichrysum, Italian, 10% Dilution in Organic Jojoba
Helichrysum italicum subsp microphyllum, organically produced, steam-distilled flowers, Sardiniam Italy. Diluted in organic Jojoba
• Heals emotional wounds or trauma
• Energetic, emotional. spiritual uses
• Anti-inflammatory
Hyssopus officinalis var decumbens, (Hyssop Linalool) organically produced, France.
• Wonderful respiratory oil
• Highly expectorant
• Relieves bronchial spasms
• Safe for ages 2 and up.
Essential Oils, Sale of the Month
Inula graveolens, wild harvested; steam-distilled, roots; Spain.
– Amazingly powerful respiratory oil
– Immune system stimulant
– Congested, infected sinuses
– Anti-bacterial
Essential Oils, Absolutes, F - L, Jasmines
Jasmine Grandiflora Absolute
Jasminum grandiflorum, solvent-extracted organic flowers, India.
F - L, Absolutes, Essential Oils, Jasmines
Jasmine Sambac Absolute
Jasminum officinalis var sambac, ethically farmed, solvent-extracted flowers, India.
Essential Oils, F - L, Conifer
Juniper Berry
Juniperus communis, berries on branch, Macedonia.
– Diuretic, often included in anti-cellulite & detoxifying blends
– Anti-microbial, useful in respiratory blends
– Cleans the atmosphere of a room to clear negativity
– Helps recover from hangovers
Essential Oils, F - L, Private Reserve, Lavenders and Lavandins
Lavender Avice Hill
Lavandula angustifolia, var Avice Hill Artisan grown and distilled in the US. Organically produced.
Ledum (Greenland Moss)
Ledum groenlandicum (Greenland Moss or Labrador Tea), eco-certified organically produced, wild, steam-distilled, Canada.
– Stimulates Immune System
– Liver and kidney detox
– Useful for insomnia
– Helpful for nausea & vomiting
– Calming & reassuring, helping release trapped emotions
Lilac CO2 Total
Lilac CO2, Syringa vulgaris, CO2 Total, Organically produced from wild Lilacs in Bulgaria.
– Relaxing, soothing and harmonizing
– Promotes love and optimism
– Helpful in grief blends
Essential Oils, CO2s, Dilutions
Lilac CO2, 10% Dilution
Lilac CO2, Syringa Vulgaris, CO2 Total, 10% dilution in Organic Jojoba Oil. Organically produced from wild Lilacs in Bulgaria.
– Relaxing, soothing and harmonizing
– Promotes love and optimism
– Helpful in grief blends
Leptospermum scoparium, wildcrafted, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
– Powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral
– Effective against strep and staph infections
– Preferred oil of Madeleine Kerkof (instead of Tea Tree)