Readers of our blog may remember when one of our staffers was held up at gunpoint. Although she was unharmed, physically, she was haunted by visions of the gunman’s face. We gave her a bit of a blend we were working on for our local Hospice, for severe anxiety, and for the first time since the assault she was able to relax and sleep.
We were not pleased with the aroma of the original blend, so went on to “tweak” it a bit, with a much finer specimen of Angelica root, Bitter orange as well as Sweet orange, and some rearranging of proportions. We have had occasion ot offer this to others who seemed to have need of it, with very positive feedback.
Our Emotional Trauma Blend is a blend of Petitgrain bigarade, Nerolina, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, and Angelica Root, all with proven anxiolitic effects. We designed it for severe cases of anxiety, but are seeing that it is also helpful in cases of emotional trauma. I am planning on reaching out to our local Veteran’s Hospital to see if it might be helpful in cases of PTSD.
WARNING: Because of its Angelica Root content, this blend is a photosensitizer. Please reserve it for use in a diffuser, inhaler, or aromatherapy jewelry. We highly recommend its use in an “aromastick” or personal inhaler.We have carefully calculated the dilution of the anointing oil to prevent sun damage, but I would still avoid exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light for 8 hours after application.
Monique from Massachusetts –
On my morning commute the day after receiving my order from NG, there were several delays on the two trains I take to work. The car I was in had the usual ebb and flow of crowding then easing, generous doses of perfume and cologne, phone conversations, and back packs bumping into fellow passengers. Luckily, I had packed my Emotional Trauma Blend. It helped me push aside the agitation and I could focus more on the music I was listening to. Once again, thank you Nature’s Gift.
Carlos S. (verified owner) –
I am a believer, I truly did not expect much of this product but men I was wrong, it is really hard to explain the effect but I think calmness and focus and the two words that come to mind… I am very with this purchase, I will make sure I keep this one around for stressful situations.
Beth Werner (verified owner) –
Same as the last one ?
Lisa S. (verified owner) –
Dana G. (verified owner) –
Loved this blend when I bought it many years ago!! It helped me ground anxious energy in my body. This new batch smells a bit different. Still getting used to it, but since the ingredients are the same I’m guessing it’ll have similar effects.
Alrea (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Zi (verified owner) –
Very good service and very good product.
Anonymous (verified owner) –