Essential Oils
Showing 133–144 of 252 results
- Protective and purifying
- Emotionally supportive
- Heart healing
- Refreshes and offers emotional protection
- eases difficult emotional transitions
- assists in release of emotional and energetic concerns
- supportive of expansive and creative processes
- aids in mental clarity and assists in meditation
- supportive of sanctifying and purifying space
- Unblocks and circulates stagnant energy
- Soothes nerves
- Supportive for releasing negative energy.
- Relaxes
- Encourages feelings of pleasure
- Promotes sensual awakening.
Essential Oils, Be Kind Collection
Lola’s Kunzea
Kunzea ambigua, steam distilled, organically grown, leaves and twigs of flowering branches, Tasmania, Australia
Essential Oils, Be Kind Collection, Sale of the Month
Lola’s Rhododendron
Rhododendron anthopogan, steam distilled, wildcrafted, flowers and leaves, Nepal
Essential Oils, Be Kind Collection
Lola’s Sweet Marjoram
Origanum majorana, steam distilled, flowers and leaves, Egypt
Essential Oils, Be Kind Collection
Lola’s YlangYlang Complete
Cananga odorata, steam distilled, organically cultivated flowers, Madagascar
Essential Oils, Citrus, Citrus Oils
Mandarine, Green
Citrus reticulata blanco (Citrus deliciosa / Citrus nobilis), organically produced, cold-pressed rind, Brazil
– Tart and uplifting
– Most relaxing citrus oil
– Sun-safe
Essential Oils, Citrus, Citrus Oils
Mandarine, Red, Organic
Citrus nobilis, organically produced, cold-pressed rind, Brazil.
– Anti-septic used as room spray
– Toner for oily or acnied skin
– Effective for sleep disturbances & Insomnia
– Anti-nausea
Mango Ginger CO2 Total Extract
Curcuma amada, extracted from dried rhizomes organically grown in India, extracted in Germany.
– Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory
– Anti-microbial, anti-oxidative and anti-allergenic
Essential Oils, CO2s, Dilutions
Mango Ginger CO2 Total Extract, 10% Dilution
Curcuma amada, extracted from dried rhizomes organically grown in India, extracted in Germany. 10% dilution in Fractionated Coconut Oil.
– Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory
– Anti-microbial, anti-oxidative and anti-allergenic
Leptospermum scoparium, wildcrafted, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
– Powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral
– Effective against strep and staph infections
– Preferred oil of Madeleine Kerkof (instead of Tea Tree)
Marjoram, Sweet
Origanum majorana, ethically farmed, steam-distilled flowers and leaves, Egypt.
– Powerful anti-spasmodic
– Calming, slighty sedative action
– Useful for migraines
– Use for anti-oxidant and antibacterials actions for skin infections
Marjoram, Sweet, CO2
Origanum majorana, CO2 Select, extracted from dried leaves in Germany.
– Powerful anti-spasmodic
– Calming, slightly sedative action
– Useful for migraines
– Use for anti-oxidant and antibacterial actions for skin infections
Mastic (Lentisk)
Pistacia lentiscus, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves, Spain
– Warming, used to treat arthritis and bronchitis
– Treat skin – boils, cuts, wounds, ringworm
– Amazing astringent
– Decongestant for lymph system