4 oz bulk
Showing 49–60 of 166 results
CO2 Extracted Carriers, Carrier Oils
Evening Primrose CO2
Oenothera biennis, CO2 extracted from seeds in Germany. 15ml eyedropper bottle.
• Skin healing
• Anti-wrinkle, anti-aging
Fennel, Sweet
Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce , organically grown, steam-distilled seeds, Hungary.
• PMS and other menstrual difficulties
• Detoxifying
• Eases stress and nervous tension
• Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding…
Boesenbergia pandurata, distilled from organic roots, Thailand.
• Digestive aid
• Combats nausea
• Stimulates the liver & detoxifies the body
Essential Oils, F - L, Conifer, Conifers
Fir, Balsam
Abies balsamea canadensis, organically produced, steam-distilled needles, Canada.
* Respiratory oil safe for babies & children
* Emotionally grounding and calming
* Warming in rubs for arthritis, rheumatism & joint pain
Essential Oils, F - L, Conifer, Conifers
Fir, Siberian
Abies sibirica, wild harvested in Russia. (Commercially called Siberian Pine, but it is a true fir.)
• Very relaxing
• Useful for children with congestion
• Warm and comforting
Agonis fragrans, steam-distilled from leaves and young branches, Australia.
• Tea Tree like, gentle & safe for children
• Anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory & analgesic
• Respiratory actions
Frankincense Sacra, Omani
Boswellia sacra, wild-harvested resin, gathered from the southeastern Dhofar province of Oman, co-distilled by a true artisan
Essential Oils, F - L, Frankincense
Frankincense, Indian (Serrata)
Boswellia serrata, wildcrafted, resin distilled in India.
Essential Oils, F - L, CO2s, Frankincense
Frankincense, Indian, CO2
Boswellia serrata, wildcrafted in India, CO2 Select, extracted in Germany.
– strong anti-inflammatory
Essential Oils, F - L, Frankincense
Frankincense, Organic
Boswellia carterii var Birdwell, organically produced, wildcrafted, fair trade resin from Somalia, distilled in the US.
Essential Oils, F - L, Frankincense
Frankincense, Somalian
Boswellia carterii var Birdwell, wildcrafted resin, Somalia.
Galbanum CO2
Ferula galbaniflua, wildcrafted resin from Iran, CO2 extracted in Germany.
• Oil of Renewal – for healing oils scars and wrinkles, and emotional
• Adrenal fatigue