Showing 1–12 of 17 results
- Proven anti-anxiety oils.
- Inhaler (recommended) and 5 and 15 ml undiluted, 5 ml anointing oil for pulse points
- Teens and adults
- Inhalation safe ages 6 and up
Skin Care Solutions, Sample Packs for Various Skin Types, Carrier Oils, Skin Care Sampler Packs, Samplers for Various Skin Types, Kits
Eczema/Psoriasis Carrier Oil Sampler
A sampler of carrier oils often recommended to ease the symptoms of eczema and/or psoriasis.
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Canarium luzonicum, wild, steam-distilled resin, Philippines.
• Sweet & spicy scent
• Respiratory
• Preventive/helps immunity
• Calming
Aromatherapy Blends, Emotional Well-Being
Emotional Trauma Blend
Protected: Essential Extracts SNEAK PEEK
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Essential Oil Basics
Pocket sized guide densely packed with information for the beginner or the experienced user. We will be including this in our Complete Beginner Kit.
Bottles, Jars, and Blending Accessories, Accessories
Essential Oil Bottle Key (Bottle Opener)
Handy gadget to help remove orifice reducers, pop the roller ball assembly out of a roller bottle, remove a sample vial cap, and re-apply all of the above.
Essential Oils and Aromatics by Marge Clark
My book, the first edition, re-issued on the Amazon KINDLE.
Essential Oils and Aromatics Hard-copy
My book, the first edition, mysteriously available on Amazon
Essential Waters: Hydrosols, Hydrolats and Floral Waters by Marge Clark
Information about the hydrosols we love on the Amazon Kindle.
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Eucalyptus Globulus, Organically Produced
Eucalyptus globulus, “Blue Gum Eucalyptus” Organically Produced, steam-distilled leaves, Portugal.
• For Children 3 and under, diffusion only
• Muscle/joint pain
• Stimulating
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings, Sale of the Month
Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus radiata, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
• Safe for children (Diffusion only for infants & toddlers
• Respiratory
• Sinus congestion
SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICE Current batch marked 50% off retail AND bulk sizes!!
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Eucalyptus Smithii
Eucalyptus smithii, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves, South Africa.
• For Children 3 and under, diffusion only
• Respiratory
• Anti-bacterial, anti-viral
• Muscle/joint pain
• Air purifier