Skeeter Beater Gel : An Aloe Vera Gel-based blend of our Lemon-Scented Tea Tree (the most powerful natural insect repellant that I know of), Lemon Eucalyptus, Atlas Cedarwood, and our new Dark Patchouli.
Skeeter Beater Body Oil : A Jojoba based massage blend of our Lemon-Scented Tea Tree (the most powerful natural insect repellant that I know of), Lemon Eucalyptus, Atlas Cedarwood, and our new Dark Patchouli.
Friends have raved about the success they’ve had keeping fleas off dogs, horseflies off horses, and mosquitoes off themselves with this blend. At an outdoor health festival, Debi discovered that a band of diluted SkeeterBeater around each ankle kept the chiggers from attacking. Skinsafe and ready to use.
The scent of the blend is sweetly lemon, with an earthy undertone. Yummy and smile-bringing even if it served no useful purpose. Read some clients’ experience with our Skeeter Beater Blend here.
Available in an undiluted synergy, body oil (diluted in Jojoba Oil ), or in this aloe gel base. Sometimes the oil-based blend is just not comfortable to wear in extreme heat and humidity. The SkeeterBeater Gel is much more comfortable in the heat, but not as long-lasting as the oil-based body oil. If you are unfamiliar with aromatherapy or how to dilute essential oils properly, please buy the body oil or the gel. They are ready to use right out of the bottle. We truly don’t recommend making a body spray out of the undiluted synergy; in our experience a water-based spray seems to need re-applying more frequently than either the oil-based or the gel.
Also, we get a lot of requests for advice on how to use the SkeeterBeater on various fur family members. Please remember that you should NEVER use any essential oil product on cats. They can not metabolize the oils the way humans, dogs, and horses can, and you run the risk of causing liver damage. For our dogs, we tend to rub a bit of either the oil-based dilution or the gel between our palms, and then brush the “critter” with them, from ears to tail. If the dog has a fabric collar, putting a drop of the undiluted synergy on the collar is another option.
WARNING: Avoid use during pregnancy.Contains citral, a strong sensitizer. Avoid use on broken skin.
Beverly Ayala (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
The best stuff ever. Have used it since it was first offered.
Peggy Bechtell (verified owner) –
This absolutely repels Tsetse flies. My husband and I used it in Africa in a heavily infested area. Our guide who said that nothing worked, asked to use it after 20 minutes. It worked.
It was also good for Chiggers, the biting flies on the East Coast, and in Australia.
fpfaff (verified owner) –
Works on gnats, too. A couple of weeks ago, mowing the lawn, I was bit up so bad my right ear was red and swollen. Not so today thanks to the gel version. I saw them flying in a cloud right in front of me but NO BITES! Great product.
Rita (verified owner) –
This is the best in Kenya. All I have used on numerous trips.
Kabrina in customer care is top notch😁
Nancy (verified owner) –
Love these products. Like that they are natural.
Barbara (verified owner) –
Without this, I’d be itching like mad. I use it whenever I work in my yard. I prefer the gel over the oil, as it does not make my skin feel sticky.
Kathleen Farren (verified owner) –
Another amazing product that helps when you get bit by bugs and they blow up.