No, unfortunately it doesn’t smell like pumpkin, but this lovely and long-lasting base oil has other benefits.
Pumpkin seed oil is high in antioxidants, which both lengthen its shelf life and makes it a marvelous carrier oil for all skin types.
Kusmirek writes that Pumpkin Seed Oil has fine emollient and restructuring properties and is used for dry, damaged and mature skin. It is very safe.
High in Linoleic Acid, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, this rich golden amber oil absorbs very quickly. It leaves your skin moisturized, but never greasy. Some sources recommend it as a base oil for anti-acne blends. Research has shown that Pumpkin Seed oil alone, used topically, has resulted in a 38% reduction in mean acne lesion count after one month’s treatment, a 59% reduction after two months treatment, and an 84% reduction after three months.
For hair care, Pumpkin Seed Oil hydrates the hair follicles and shields the hair protein. It is a great conditioner or mask for over processed hair.
Interesting side note: our carrier and fixed oils are offered for your skincare uses only, but while researching this delightful facial oil we came across research studies indicating that internal use of pumpkin seed oil may prove helpful for over-active bladder. Who knew? You may find more information at [this link.]
Susan K. (verified owner) –
Wisconsin, United States