NOTE: this is not a replacement for the 2nd edition of Battaglia’s Complete Guide To Aromatherapy. Sal is planning a total of 2 (or perhaps 3) volumes of this third edition. But oh how he has enlarged it.
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The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition, Volume 1 contains two sections only… but what sections they are!
Unit 1: Foundations. In this section Sal:
- examines the holistic role of aromatherapy in promoting health and well-being. (Be fore-warned, I can lose myself for hours reading and contemplating the information presented…Integrative medicine, developing guidelines for research, finding the balance between pharmacology and the energies of the oils, maintaining true holism. The need for improved education standards if we are to become a true health care profession, combined and contrasted with the power of myth, and a theory of olfaction that was new to me.
- Traces the history of aromatherapy starting with the role of scent and culture, perspectives that were new to me, history of aromatics starting with the writings of the Egyptians, the ancient spice trade, the Romans, Biblical usage, the study of Alchemy in the middle east, aromatics in India, in China, the Middle Ages and the Plagues. He traces the rise of modern perfumery. He also traces the progress of science and the (relatively modern) rise of modern medicine. He summarizes the foundations of modern Aromatherapy both in France and in England, and writes extensively on Aromatherapy as it is practiced today. He addresses the challenges we face in being taken seriously as a profession.
- Botany: definition of essential oils, a review of plant taxonomy, physiology and anatomy of plants. Biosynthesis and biological role of the oils, considerations on sourcing and factors influencing the compostion of the oils.
- Production: History of essential oil production, much information on expression of citrus oils, different types of distillation, solvent extraction (including maceration and enfleurage!), CO2 extractions ad a brief reference to some very new methods that are not currently used in commercial production
- Quality: purity, adulterateion, contamination, degradation. The role of standards and pharmacopoeias. Biological identification: botanical names, etc. Quality assurance and good manufacturing standards. How to evaluate an essential oil.
- Safety: Packaging, labeling “A Protocol for Conducting a Safety Assessment,” Essential oil hazards, toxicity, irritation, sensitization, occupational hazards, carcinogenisis, neurotoxicity and general safety guidelines.
- Uses: topicaly techniques, inhalation, internal use.
- Botanical name
- Synonyms: other common names, alternative botanical names, etc.
- Family
- Botany and origins
- Method of extractions
- Organoleptic characteristics of the oil
- Chemical constituents/profile (sometimes multiple profiles.)
- Adulteration (common practices0
- Pharmacopoeias and standards
- History and traditional uses, including the use of the oil in Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal uses, perfumery and flavoring, and other uses.
- Therapeutics, including Pharmacology and clinical research studies, actions commonly cited in Aromatherapy, and Sal’s own comments and observations.
- Aromatherapy uses: Clinical Aromatherapy, Energetics, psyche and subtle uses
- Dosage and administration, including blending for both Aromatherapy and Perfumery, modes of administration
- Safety Profile, General safety, contraindications, toxicity, and regulatory guidelines
NICE touch! The edges of the pages are indexed so you can easily find the oil you are researching in the materia medica.
So much more to learn!
Watch owner Marge Clark’s interview with Salvatore Battaglia at the 2018 NAHA Conference here
Joan (verified owner) –
California, United States