Showing 385–396 of 487 results
Showing 385–396 of 487 results
Essential Oils, M - R, Rose Oils
Rosa damascena, organically produced, hydrodistilled from petals, Bulgaria.
Essential Oils, M - R, Dilutions, Rose Oils
Essential Oils, M - R, Dilutions, Rose Oils
Rosa damascena, organically produced, hydrodistilled from petals, Bulgaria, diluted in organic Jojoba.
Essential Oils, M - R, Rose Oils
Rosa damascena, ethically farmed, hydro-distilled petals, Turkey.
Essential Oils, Dilutions, Rose Oils
Essential Oils, Dilutions, Rose Oils
Rosa damascena, ethically farmed, hydro-distilled petals, Turkey. Skinsafe 5% dilution
Rosmarinus officinalis ch a-pinene, artisan produced in Australia.
Essential Oils, CO2s, Additives and Other Diluents, Carrier Oils
Essential Oils, CO2s, Additives and Other Diluents, Carrier Oils
CO2 extracted in Germany from organically produced Rosmarinus officinalis, stabilized in organic sunflower seed oil.
– designed as an additive to short-lived fixed oils and/or essential oils, to prevent oxidation
– inhibits growth of various Candida strains
– topical treatment of skin disorders
Rosmarinus officinalis var Herb Cottage, organically grown by an artisan distiller in Australia.
Rosmarinus officinalis var Camphor, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves and flowers, Spain.
– decongestant
– pain relief
– strong antispasmodic useful for muscle cramps, rheumatism, poor circulation
Rosmarinus officinalis var Cineole, organically produced in Tunisia, steam distilled from flowering tops.
– stimulates circulation, useful for cellulite and edema
– combats acne, dandruff and excessively oily skin
– respiratory conditions from nervous or emotional causes
Rosemary Cineole CO2 Extracted, organically produced.. The most aromatic Rosemary I have ever experienced.
*Energizing, best for fatigue
*Stimulates circulation
*Hair growth, scalp care
*Avoid with infants and toddlers