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- high level omega-6 fatty acids for hair strengthening
- Anti-aging skincare
- deep penetration and quick absorption
- Good source of Vitamin E for hair and skin
- aka Ootanga or Wild Watermelon Oil
- add to any emollient skincare blend
- protect and smooth skin
- alleviate itching
- recommended for sensitive, dried, or stressed skin
Coconut Cream Oil, Extra Virgin
Cocos nucifera, organically produced, solvent free, cold-pressed from the cream of the coconut, Philippines.
Individual Carrier Oils, Carrier Oils
Kalahari Melon Seed Oil
Citullus lanatus, wild harvested and Fair Trade produced in Namibia.
CO2 Extracted Carriers, Carrier Oils
Raspberry Seed Total CO2
Rubus idaeus, organically produced dried seeds grown in Chile, extracted in Germany.
– Superb anti-oxidant
– Prevents gingivitis, rashes, eczema, and other skin lesions
– Broad-spectrum UV-A and UV-B shield
CO2 Extracted Carriers, Carrier Oils
Wheat Bran CO2 Total
Triticum vulgare, extracted from organically produced wheat, Germany.