Italian artisan oils.
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Essential Oils, Conifer, A - E, ABC Groupings
Cypress Fruits
Cupressus sempervirens fruits, (templin) gathered by hand, artisan distilled in Italy
• Woody/needle aroma
• Anti-oxidant
• Anti-inflammatory
• Possibly helpful for menstrual difficulties
Helichrysum, Italian
Helichrysum italicum subsp microphyllum, organically produced, from ethically wildcrafted steam-distilled flowers, Sardinia, Italy.
• Heals emotional wounds or trauma
• Energetic, emotional. spiritual uses
• Anti-inflammatory
Essential Oils, Private Reserve, Lavenders and Lavandins
Lavandin Italian
Lavandula x hybrid artisan grown organically in Northern Italy
– Relaxation
– Pain relief
Oregano Vulgare Sicily (Italian Oregano)
Origanum vulgare hirtum sicilia, Organically produced, artisan distilled, Sicily, Italy.
– Highly antibacterial, antimicrobial and fungicidal
– Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
– Diffusion or personal inhalation are best methods of use
Essential Oils, M - R, Conifer, Conifers
Pine, Dwarf (Mugo Pine)
Pinus Mugo Turra, wildharvested, steam-distilled from needles, Italy (Sometimes called Dwarf Pine.)
– Different from other pine oils in aroma
– Mental focus but relaxing and destressing
– Used as an expectorant
– Inhaled for ailments of respiratory organs (inc. pleurisy and tuberculosis