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- Anti-aging properties as it boosts collagen production
- Effective in treating inflammatory skin conditions
- Can be used to strengthen hair and nails
- Cicatrizant in the oil reportedly also promotes the healing of wounds
- Rich, anti-aging serum
- Use just one drop
- Helpful for dry skin.
- Our best selling blended product
- Ages 12 and up
Essential Oils, CO2s, Spices, A - E
Allspice CO2
Pimenta dioica (Pimenta officinalis), Organically extracted from dried fruit (or berry)
• Muscle pain, spasms and fatigue
• Rubefacient (warming)
• Emotionally warming and uplifting
• Digestive tonic
Individual Carrier Oils, Carrier Oils
Baobab Oil
Adansonia digitata, Wild-crafted, Fair-Trade, Cold-pressed from Seeds, Zimbabwe, South Africa. Produced by organically certified producers.
Skin Care Solutions, Balms, Scrubs, and Moisturizers, Aromatherapy Blends, Cleopatra’s Secret, Roll-Ons
Cleopatra’s Secret Skin Serum
Essential Oils, CO2s, Spices, A - E
Clove Bud CO2
Syzygium aromaticum, organically grown dried buds, CO2 Select, extracted in Germany
•Avoid use if on anticoagulant therapy (blood thinners)
•Avoid use during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use on children.
•Mucous membrane and strong skin irritant
•Use with caution and respect
•Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antioxidant
•Diffuse in sick room with other oils
•Stimulant, said to be helpful for fatigue
•Anti-inflammatory with beta carophyllene. Use at very low dilution.
CO2 Extracted Carriers, Carrier Oils
Cumin, Black, CO2
Nigella sativa, seeds organically grown in India, CO2 Total extracted in Germany. Contains both the very rare essential oil and the more readily available fixed oil.
• Thymoquinone
• Anti-oxidant
• RadioProtective – protects against damage from Radioactivity
• Contains 2.5% Essential Oil
• May be anti-allergin
Essential Oils, F - L, Spices, CO2s
Javanese Turmeric CO2 Select
Curcuma xanthorrhiza, produced from dried roots, organically grown in Indonesia, and produced in Germany. (Sometimes called “Temulawak”)
– anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory
– oral care
– pain relief, joint pain, arthritis
Rhatany Root CO2 Extracted TOTAL
Krameria Lappacea, Peruvian dried roots, CO2 extracted in Germany.
– Anti-microbial, powerfully astringent
– Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
– Useful in combating radiation damage to the skin
– Recommended for skin and sunscreen products
– Recommended for oral care