Holiday Stress?
Here are more thoughtful suggestions on relieving Holiday Stress, from staff aromatherapist Christina Smith:
Week 2: Incorporating Movement
We all know movement is important, even more so when we are engaged in the stressful holiday season. Naturally, in the colder weather, we are inside more and tend to move less. As a result our muscles are tense, cold and underused. The answer: get moving! Exercise helps release dopamine (the feel-good hormone) into the system and the more you move, the better you feel! Here are a few simple ways to add more movement into your day.
Gentle stretching upon waking
Spend a few minutes each morning warming up your muscles so you’re prepared to face the day. Reach up above your head, standing tall and breathe deeply for several breaths. Continue by leaning your torso far to the right, then the left, breathing deeply through each movement. A wonderful way to perk up first thing in the morning is to include bracing aromas such as peppermint, grapefruit, black pepper or even coffee CO2.
If you have more than a few minutes, consider beginning your day with yoga. Grab your mat and inhale patchouli or lavender or even cedar wood. When you’ve finished your practice, spend a few minutes in savasana with a warm cloth over your eyes. To relax further, try a deeply soothing anointing oil like Magdalene’s Anoint during this last few minutes.
Tai Chi
is an ancient practice meant to embrace the connection between mind, body, and spirit through gentle movement and breath. While Tai Chi can be a challenge to learn, it doesn’t require special equipment and can be done anywhere. Using soft, calming scents during your practice can reduce mental chatter and help center the mind and breath. Bergamot mint or petitgrain are excellent choices to use on an aromastone or a passive diffuser. Keep things soft and light to encourage balance during this time.
By incorporating one or all of these ideas, you can feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and centered so you can be at your best, no matter what this busy season throws at you. Check back next week for aromatic ideas for when your company finally arrives (or you travel to another’s home)!
Flash Sales
Have you been following our Flash Sales? They change at about 10 to 11 PM Central Time every day or two. Most last two days, but the Wednesday night/Thursday flash sale is SO extravagant it runs for 24 hours only. (We’re excited, and think you will be too!)
Check the front page of our website or our Facebook page to see the current Flash Sale. So far, savvy shoppers have saved 40% on retail sizes of Balsam Fir, Black Spruce, and today’s special, Dwarf Pine (Mugo Pine). It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas around here.
Win a Gift Certificate
The winner of our first 0.00 gift certificate was Tina from South Dakota, for her review of our Chia Seed Oil. Submit a review of your favorite Nature’s Gift products, and every 10th review received during the month of December gets a 0.00 gift certificate. NOTE the link to write a product review is at the bottom each product page.
12 Days of Christmas
Of course we will be doing our 12 days of Christmas Gifts this year. Every day, from December 25th through January 5th, one order will be chosen to receive an extra gift. No, we haven’t put together the list of gifts yet. Maybe by next week.
Have a wonderful rest of the week, everyone.