steam-distilled leaves
Showing 1–12 of 26 results
- Antibacterial
- Hormone balancing
- Diuretic
- Most versatile oil for skin care
Basil, Sweet
Ocimum basilicum, linalool type, Organically produced, from Nepal
• Helps concentration
• Fights fatigue
• Eases headache/sinus congestion
• Muscle aches/pains
Bay Laurel
Laurus nobilis, wildcrafted, steam-distilled leaves, from Croatia. Sometimes called “Laurel Leaf” Oil.
• Anti-bacterial
• Grounding
• Uplifting
• Spicy scent
• Hair/scalp health
Bergamot Mint
Mentha citrata, conventionally farmed, steam-distilled leaves, USA.
• Gently fruity/floral.
• De-stressing.
• Perfumery.
• Deodorizing.
Melaleuca cajuputi (syn Melaleuca leucadendron) , Ethically cultivated, steam-distilled leaves, Indonesia.
• Stimulating
• Achy muscle pain
• Respiratory
• Useful in bug repellent/after insect bites
Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamomum zeylanicum, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves, Madagascar
•Highest in Eugenol, also found in Clove Oil
•Antibacterial, antifungal
•Respiratory and circulatory stimulant via inhalation
•May use highly diluted in tooth/gum care blends
•Avoid use pregnancy and breastfeeding
•Skin sensitizer and irritant
•May inhibit blood clotting
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings, Sale of the Month
Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus radiata, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
• Safe for children (Diffusion only for infants & toddlers
• Respiratory
• Sinus congestion
SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICE Current batch marked 50% off retail AND bulk sizes!!
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Eucalyptus Smithii
Eucalyptus smithii, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves, South Africa.
• For Children 3 and under, diffusion only
• Respiratory
• Anti-bacterial, anti-viral
• Muscle/joint pain
• Air purifier
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Eucalyptus, Lemon
Eucalyptus citriodora, ethically farmed, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
• Insect repellant
• Anti-fungal
• Anti-bacterial
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Eucalyptus, Peppermint
Eucalyptus dives ct piperitone, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves, South Africa.
• Respiratory
• Pain relief
• Minty aroma.
• Safer for Children.
Pelargonium graveolens (Pelargonium X asperum), Ethically farmed, steam-distilled leaves, South Africa. Reunion type, aka Geranium Bourbon. A lovely specimen!
Lemon Myrtle
Backhousia citriodora, organically produced but not certified, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
– Potent anti-bacterial and germicide (more effective germ killer than Tea Tree)
– Diffuse regularly to reduce coughs, cold and sinus issues
– Useful for oily skin & acne
Litsea (May Chang)
Litsea cubeba, steam distilled, fruit, China, Organically Produced.
– anti-spasmodic, specifically of the bronchia
– recent research indicates use in cardiac arrhythmia
– acne, dermatitis and greasy skin