Showing all 5 results
Buddha Wood CO2 Extract
Eremophila mitchellii, CO2(SCFE) extracted from heartwood and bark, Australia. (Also known as False Sandalwood or Desert Rosewood.)
• Insecticide/bug repellent
• Lightly sweet and smoky
• Perfumery
• Pain relief
Melaleuca cajuputi (syn Melaleuca leucadendron) , Ethically cultivated, steam-distilled leaves, Indonesia.
• Stimulating
• Achy muscle pain
• Respiratory
• Useful in bug repellent/after insect bites
Cedarwood, Atlas
Cedrus atlantica, organically produced, steam-distilled from wood, Morocco
•Highly Antibacterial
•Helpful for Dry Scalp, Skin
•Emotionally calming
•Insecticide blends, keep away moths
Essential Oils, Woods, A - E, ABC Groupings
Cypress, Blue
Callitris intratropica, plantation grown without chemicals, distilled from wood and bark, Australia.
• Pain relief from insect stings
• Wound healing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
• Grounding, calming, reassuring
Lemon Myrtle
Backhousia citriodora, organically produced but not certified, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
– Potent anti-bacterial and germicide (more effective germ killer than Tea Tree)
– Diffuse regularly to reduce coughs, cold and sinus issues
– Useful for oily skin & acne