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- Gentle cleanser for skin with acne
- Castile soap with Clarifying blend
- Troubled skin needs gentle care.
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial cleanser
- Ages 12 and up
Cedarwood, Atlas
Cedrus atlantica, organically produced, steam-distilled from wood, Morocco
•Highly Antibacterial
•Helpful for Dry Scalp, Skin
•Emotionally calming
•Insecticide blends, keep away moths
Skin Care Solutions, Clarifying Suite, Special Purpose Soaps for Specific Conditions, Aromatherapy Blends, Aromatherapy Baths
Clarifying Soap
F - L, Essential Oils, Lavenders and Lavandins
Lavender, Spike
Lavandula latifolia, ethically farmed, steam-distilled flowering tops, Spain.
– Anti-bacterial
– Effective for respiratory infections.
Lemon Tea Tree
Leptospermun petersonii, organically produced but not certified, steam-distilled leaves, Australia.
– Powerful insect repellant
– Useful dog wash additive
– Emotionally useful for anxiety, stress, depression & easing nervous tension
Oregano Spanish
Thymus capitatus, L., Organically produced, steam-distilled leaves and flowers, Egypt.
– Anti-oxidant and antimicrobial, powerful germ-killer
– Anti-spasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory