Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to US!
I want to quote a paragraph from the January, 2000 newsletter, because it feels appropriate here:
“First, I need to thank all of you for the growth and success we have experienced over the course of the past year. A lot of you, reading this, have been clients of ours for several years; some of you are brand new to Nature’s Gift. So many of you have become friends. I thank you all for allowing us to share in your aromatic journeys, and wish you all joy and prosperity and wellbeing in the coming year.” |
A quote from our January 2005 newsletter still is true today: 2005 marks our 10th anniversary online. (Yes, some of you have been with us since 1995…I hope you know how much we appreciate that!) I can’t believe we are still here, and how we’ve grown. What a gift! Over the time I’ve been here I’ve seen friends and mentors leave the business, had one of my favorite distillers sell his farm and retire, (another one is threatening retirement and I told him he’s not allowed!). We’ve had our share of problems and made our share of mistakes. But we’ve grown through them all. We still are privileged to do what my daughter described several years ago, “Every day, you send all over the world boxes full of joy and healing.” And, most of all, we have made so very many friends among our clients and our suppliers. You all have enriched our lives in ways that have nothing to do with finances.
It is so hard to believe that Nature’s Gift has been online (in one form or another) for 20 years. I’ve spent much of this past holiday period musing over some of the people and the events of the past 20 years, and suspect I’ll be sharing them in our Blog or our Facebook page or here, in the future.
But for now this newsletter contains:
- Ongoing 20 on the 20th Sale: Save 20% on some category of products every month.
- Exciting Find!
- Stay Healthy Sale
- Our Clients Say
- Charity of the Quarter
- Quote of the Month
Twenty on the Twentieth:
Were you around in 2005, when we celebrated our 10th anniversary by offering 10% sales on the 10th of the month? Or in 2010 when we offered 15% on certain items on the 15th of every month? This year, we will be celebrating on the 20th of every month, with a very special 20% sale on one category of products each month. In January, we are putting our retail sized essential oils (sizes 15 mls and below) in the ranges A–B and C–D at 20% off on Tuesday the 20th. Simply enter the promotional code “Twenty” in the box marked “Discount code” at checkout. You will see the discount reflected online. We won’t be able to offer the discount retroactively, and of course, if we run out of something we never offer rainchecks. Thank you all for helping us continue doing what we love for all these years!
Exciting Find:
For those loving the exotic oils. We thought we were totally out of stock on our White Lotus Absolute, but during inventory we found a small amount. It is all poured in wee 2 ml bottles, and available here.
Stay Healthy Sale:
Our most effective antibacterial and anti viral blends are highlighted this month. Save 10% on Germbeater and Germbeater Spice synergies and room sprays, Flu Foil Synergy, KleenHandz Gel, and some of our most powerful antibacterial and antiviral essential oils. Save 10% on 15 ml sizes of Ravensara, Ravintsara, Saro, spicy Bay Laurel, sunshiney Ironbark Eucalyptus, New Zealand Manuka (gentle and effective substitute for the more wellknown Tea Tree oil), Niaouli, cousin to the more familiar Tea Tree Oil, rosy-scented Palma Rosa, and rare Winter Savory.
Our Clients Say:
Piñon Pine Infusion
Late in the autumn Ursula Selwood shared a blend she makes using our Piñon Pine Infusion:
“With a little Bergamot and Mandarin oil the infusion creates a wonderfully grounding and uplifting, crown Chakra opening while the essences do their work. A beautiful combination of energies, to me goosebumps always signal something important to take notice of.” And yes, this combination is goosebumpy indeed. What a POWERFUL energetic blending.
Beverly’s Blend
Our Beverly has been bothered severly by sciatica over the past little while. This is the blend she has put together for her own use, and asked to share: “Hi Marge, I made myself another 1 oz. of the pain-management oil I put together. I used 10 mls each of That’s Better, Trauma Oil, and Corsican Helichrysum in Rose Hip.
Spinal Cord Injury
Cory Herbst wrote in September, asking about possible oils to help her daughter recover from a spinal cord injury. I wasn’t really hopeful, but shared some thoughts that might be helpful. Three months later we received our Christmas gift…a report on this child’s amazing progress. Read about it in this blog article.
Becky Meyers recently wrote asking for more information about our inhaler blanks. She also commented, “P.S. I’ve been coming down with a cold due to allergies, also wondering if I’m not getting a little virus too. Using Flu Foil in our diffuser at night has been a life saver, helping me to sleep better, relieving the ‘stuffies’. I’ve also used it during the day while at my laptop—can really tell a difference. Our weather in Kentucky with up and down temps, also rainy and damp then dry and warm, means havoc at times. With flu and cold season upon us this is a life saver for our immune systems. Thanks for this wonderful Synergy!”
We have always recommended Blue Tansy oil for dealing with allergies, but this year there is a worldwide shortage of true Blue Tansy. We received 1/4 of what we had requested, and many sources are selling adulterated versions of this rare oil. And I was reminded of another possible oil for respiratory allergies.
Yvonne Stine Garrett wrote: “I have been using Niaouli to combat allergies. Dallas has floral/tree type pollens and Austin has mold. Mold is my worst nemesis but there are certainly problems with pollens. So, since I have been back in Austin, I have been using my Niaouli as usual and at night it just wasn’t working. Made me crazy! What the heck? Last night I put on my glasses and realized I was using Ravintsara (right next to my Niaouli and both from NG so same looking bottle)! Used Niaouli and bingo! Back to breathing and no headaches!” When I asked if I could share Yvonne added, “Certainly! I just put 1-2 drops on the collar of my night shirt or pillow when I go to bed. Would work well in aromastone I would guess too!:) Trust me! TOTAL alleviation of symptoms in seconds (less than a minute for sure!) If I am really stuffed up I use a drop of peppermint oil on the collar as well to reduce swelling of nasal passages.”
For the Traveler
Morgan Leavitt wrote sharing her experience as a sightseer, “Hello Nature’s Gift! I recently traveled overseas with my mom and sister and brought along many of my oils. The Trauma Oil came in handy after days of walking, which resulted in sore feet and calves, as well as aching shoulders from carrying heavy bags. It was easy to talk my family members into trying the oil, and now they each want their own! It dramatically reduced the inflammation causing soreness, and each morning we were ready to hit the sights again. I add some of MuscleEase to each bottle of trauma oil for them. We’ll definitely purchase more in the future!”
Charity of the Quarter:
Because of your enthusiastic support and generosity, we’ve decided to continue our support of Midwives on Missions of Service (MOMS) for another quarter. If you are not familiar with their work, you may read more about them near the bottom of our home page. Please add a small contribution to them while shopping.
Quotes of the Month:
“And for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms.”
— William Bradford
And, of course:
The north wind shall blow, and we shall have snow….
and so we shall!
As an old online friend whom some of you may remember used to say at the close of every message: “Stay safe and warm.”
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