Showing all 7 results
Essential Oils, CO2s, Spices, A - E
Allspice CO2
Pimenta dioica (Pimenta officinalis), Organically extracted from dried fruit (or berry)
• Muscle pain, spasms and fatigue
• Rubefacient (warming)
• Emotionally warming and uplifting
• Digestive tonic
Angelica Root
Angelica archangelica, organically produced, steam-distilled aged root, Belgium
• Fatigue and stress-related illnesses including PTSD
• Immune stimulant
• Chronic stomach problems & lack of appetite
• Chronic respiratory conditions
Basil, Holy
Ocimum sanctum (Ocimum gratissimum), eugenol type, organically produced, steam-distilled leaves and blossoms, India.
• Spicy/pungent
• Stress reducer
• Memory retention
• Anti-bacterial
• Use with care in certain medical conditions
Bergamot Mint
Mentha citrata, conventionally farmed, steam-distilled leaves, USA.
• Gently fruity/floral.
• De-stressing.
• Perfumery.
• Deodorizing.
Calendula Total CO2
Calendula officinalis, organically produced, CO2 extracted from flowers, France
• Anti-inflammatory
• Skin care
• Wound care
• Solid Herbal extract
Clove Bud
Eugenia caryophyllata, organically produced, steam-distilled flower buds, Madagascar
•Avoid use if on anticoagulant therapy (blood thinners)
•Mucous membrane and strong skin irritant
•Use with caution and respect
•Antiseptic, diffuse in sick room with other oils
•Stimulant, said to be helpful for fatigue
Essential Oils, CO2s, Spices, A - E
Clove Bud CO2
Syzygium aromaticum, organically grown dried buds, CO2 Select, extracted in Germany
•Avoid use if on anticoagulant therapy (blood thinners)
•Avoid use during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use on children.
•Mucous membrane and strong skin irritant
•Use with caution and respect
•Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antioxidant
•Diffuse in sick room with other oils
•Stimulant, said to be helpful for fatigue
•Anti-inflammatory with beta carophyllene. Use at very low dilution.