Showing all 3 results
Angelica Root
Angelica archangelica, organically produced, steam-distilled aged root, Belgium
• Fatigue and stress-related illnesses including PTSD
• Immune stimulant
• Chronic stomach problems & lack of appetite
• Chronic respiratory conditions
Essential Oils, Woods, ABC Groupings, A - E
Cypress, Blue
Callitris intratropica, plantation grown without chemicals, distilled from wood and bark, Australia.
• Pain relief from insect stings
• Wound healing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
• Grounding, calming, reassuring
Essential Oils, A - E, ABC Groupings
Cypriol (Nagarmotha)
Cyperus scariosus, ethically wildcrafted and steam distilled in India from the dried rhisomes of a perennial sedge.
• Calming and Grounding
• Calms intestinal upsets