Nature’s Gift April Showers Newsletter
This newsletter contains:
- April Shower Special Sales
- Ordering deadline reminder
- Special “Tax Day” sale
- Client Feedback and Suggestions
- Q & A from my email
- Blog Updates
- April Aromatic Quote of the Month
We’ve put the essential oils that made us (and some of our friends) think of Spring on special sale. Our springtime hydrosols and our favorite exotic skincare fixed oils are also on sale, as are two of our most effective skin repair products… our Clarifying Cleanser and Treatment Gel for skin troubled with Acne, and our Rosacea cleanser and gel. I can’t remember when we’ve put these products on sale, so stock up now, and get your skin ready for Spring and Summer. All sale products available ONLY on our new and special page.
With springtime supposedly here, we know the warmth of summer won’t be far behind. Some of our products, most specifically the Shea Soufflé and Baby Bottom Balm will not ship in southern heat. (We don’t want you to receive Shea Soup, after all!) Please stock up while the weather is cool enough to ship them safely.
April 18th – the deadline for filing (and paying) our Personal Income Taxes, for our US clients has been changed this year. To ease the pain we are offering a discount all day long. We couldn’t decide what the discount should be. Our local sales tax, which only our TN clients must pay, is 9.25%. (Yes, it is atrocious!) The assumed minimum federal withholding tax is 15%. SO all day long, on Monday, April 18th (based on midnight Pacific time) we will be offering a discount of EITHER 9.25 or 15%. The discount will vary, and there is no predicting which one will be active when you log out. Simply enter the promotional code TAXES in the box labeled “promotional code” at checkout, press Apply, and you should see the discount reflected on your screen. If it is NOT reflected, please go back and re-apply, because we can not apply it retroactively. Special books, kits, bulk oils, and any product marked “may not be discounted” will not receive this discount, but almost all “standard retail” products are included.
Acne Products
Dawn Roberson, of Morton IL recently wrote:
Good morning Marge,
I just wanted to write and tell you how wonderful your products are. I am 37 years old and have suffered with acne off and on since I was a teenager. Much to my angst because I prefer organic, natural products I’ve had to use harsh glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide products for the past 20 years. I have tried every natural and organic skincare product out there with horrible results every time. A few weeks ago I started using your aloe vera gel, clarifying synergy and witch hazel hydrosol. My skin looks amazing. It’s perfectly clear and radiant. I’ve even been able to stop using my mineral foundation because my skin looks so good I don’t need it. Thank you very much for making all natural, simple products that work!
(Bless her heart for letting us share that!!!)
Rose Hydrosol
And Stacey Angel wrote:
Also, I just received my latest order which included the Rose Hydrosol, Cleo’s Secret Radiance, and Silken Skin. I’m at work, but I HAD to open the box! The Rose Hydrosol smells amazing. My husband noticed right away. I also noticed an instant and welcome uplift in my mood. Both lotions are great, as expected. I’m looking forward to integrating both into my nightly routine. I’ve been a big fan of LaMer for a long time, but would like to use something more natural if it provides the same benefits. Thanks again for your help, and your wonderful, marvelous site! Best, Stacey
Needless to say, feedback like that brought an instant and welcome uplift to MY mood.
Facebook discussion — Pam Manak wrote asking about removing aftermath of a skunk encounter — from her van, her house, herself as well as the poor dog. We discussed using our FreshAire synergy, but I wasn’t sure it would be strong enough. She wrote her final solution: “I’ve been diffusing lemon rind with a little lavender and peppermint… all is well, thanks!!!” I asked for permission to share because it’s that time of year, and I think a lot of us might need something that works. (Nothing beats a tomato juice bath IMMEDIATELY, by the way.)
Lots of comments on Facebook from folks using our Baby Bottom Balm to treat eczema, either their own, or their baby’s… it seems to be helping a lot of people.
Questions and Answers
I’ve had a LOT of emails asking about using the oils to protect against radiation in the air, in food, etc. In total honesty, I don’t know of any essential oils that can protect us against excessive radiation. I’ve seen come claims made, but not from any source that I would trust. There IS research showing that tea made from Tulsi… Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) showed radioprotective effects. However, the phytochemicals believed to give the protection are not in the distilled essential oil. I’ve seen research showing the Rosemary (no chemotype specified) has proven helpful, but again the phytochemicals that are said to be helpful don’t come through the distillation process. So, who knows? My thinking is that the oils that help our bodies detoxify themselves… our Detox Synergy, Juniper branch and berry, Pink Grapefruit, Lemon, perhaps Fennel, Cistus to stimulate lymphatic circulation…the oils that help our bodies detox may be of some help, I don’t know. I wish I could give a definitive answer on this one.
At least twice a week we are asked “Are your oils therapeutic grade?”…often enough that I’ve written a web page about it. If you are curious, the answer is here.
What can I say — there has been no time or inspiration for Blogging this month. The only blog post in February was about a terrible car crash a dear friend experienced…and the aromatics that helped her healing. You may read about it here.
Charity of the Quarter:
Please remember our Charity of the quarter — AmeriCares — sending relief to the victims of the multiple disasters in Japan. (Why AmeriCares instead of the Red Cross? Because a greater %age of the donation actually goes to the victims.) You may donate through the link on our specials page.
Rise and put on your foliage, and be seen
To come forth, like the springtime, fresh and green,
– from “Corinna’s Going a-Maying” by Robert Herrick (1591–1674)
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