Nature’s Gift May Flowers Newsletter

Mother’s Day Specials from Nature’s Gift

Our New & Special Sales page is now online and features our favorite gifts for Mom (or Grandma) as well as our annual “May Flowers” Sale.

Rose Bliss Bath and Shower Gel, our complete line of Cleopatra’s Secret products, our “For women only” synergies, and our favorite floral (and other) absolutes in skinsafe ready to wear 10% dilutions. May Flowers after all the rain many of us have been experiencing. We’ve even put our frosted Roller Ball bottles on sale if you want to package some single note (or blended) perfumes.

Hints, Tips and Formulas — Scent blends

Bliss Drops
Angela Eaton recently emailed the following — with permission to share:

I just made up a great recipe last night and I thought I’d share it with you. I call it “Bliss Drops.”

Equal parts
white ginger lily
In a skin-safe dilution. I have those three in 10%, so I’m just using them perfume strength.

Perfect timing since ALL components are included in this sale. I’ve tried this blend; the name is appropriate.

Baby Powder
NOT for use on your baby, but a blend of equal parts Rose Absolute and Vanilla is remarkably close to the scent of commercial baby powder — if you want to duplicate that scent. Neither oil is safe for infants, so please don’t think about scenting baby products this way.

Oriental Rose Blend
One part Sweet Patchouli 10%
Two parts Rose Absolute 10%

Aphrodite Blend
Equal parts Patchouli, Sandalwood, and Jasmine

OR… my personal preference…equal parts Patchouli, Sandalwood and Rose (yummm!)

Aromatic Quote

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering from the bizarre weather sweeping this country this week. With this in mind, I found a quote from a years old newsletter:

Aromatic quote of the month…that proved true during a difficult time in my life:

“Food nourishes the body, but flowers heal the soul.”
—Old Proverb

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