Aroma: This essential oil has such a beautiful and peaceful smell. It is resinous, slightly sweet, warm, radiant, with hints of spicy undertones. It makes a wonderful base note for most blends and is truly an addictive aroma that I personally enjoy. When I say or write the words “Warm Aromatic Regards,” I instantly think of myrrh because it’s aroma is so friendly.
Aromatherapist notes: I am a big fan of myrrh as it can be very supportive for healing skin concerns and is a wonderful component in respiratory support blends. It is also fantastic for the skin in general! This is an essential oil that ages quite well and thickens over time. At times you may find that because of this, it may make the cap difficult to remove. A quick tip to help relieve this, is to use a Q-tip with a drop or two jojoba around the bottle’s neck. This will loosen anything on the glass as well as lubricate the cap when it is placed on the bottle alleviating the sticky resin and hardening of the myrrh in that area.
Recommended applications: Diffuse, topical application using safe dilution ratios, use in inhaler and steam inhalation blends.
Blends with: Allspice, Black Pepper, Black Spruce, Blood Orange, German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Cypress, Geranium, Ginger, Alligator Juniper, Lavender, Red Mandarin, Sweet Orang, Patchouli, Peppermint, Petitgrain bigarade, Scotch Pine, Virginia Cedarwood, and Vetiver.
Safety Data: Myrrh essential oil is contraindicated for individuals who are pregnant or lactating.
Other considerations:
• Do not place on broken skin.
Shelf Life: About 6-8 years
A couple of months ago, our good friend, Lola King completed her final inventory for Be Kind Botanicals. It was both a blessing and bittersweet. She worked for close to a decade to provide the best oils she could find, even if it meant processing the plant material herself and having a distiller obtain it through distillation. When Marge heard the news of her closing Be Kind Botanicals, she jumped at the opportunity to snag some of her finest inventory before it was gone for good. We are delighted to present to you our “Be Kind” Collection, so that you can experience what Lola and Marge find to be some of the most exquisite offerings of essential oils from around the globe… New Zealand Lavender may be the top of the list. These are in limited supply and will only be sold in retail sizes.
Certificate of Analysis:
Lola’s Myrrh
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