Grown in the French Alps, from gathered seed. Fresh and bright aromatically. If “value” is defined as the meeting point of best price and best quality, then this magnificent Lavender Fine represents our best value among all of the lavender specimens we collect. The vivid energy of a “grown from seed” plant, the extra high level of sweet esters to give the relaxation Lavender is known for, this may well be our best hidden gem.
SHELF LIFE: Approximately 2 to 3 years after you open the bottle. Storing in the dark, refrigerated, and decanting half full bottles into smaller, full bottles will extend shelf life.
Certificate of Analysis:
2012 / 2014
Batch No. FR-58557
Batch No. FR-58704
Batch No. FR-58959
Batch No. FR-59164
Batch No. FR-59257
Batch No. FR-59304
Jill D. (verified owner) –
Lynette (verified owner) –
Lovely scent!
Paulette Moody (verified owner) –
Kendra (verified owner) –
Restocking my burn kit. Excellent quality.
Beverly Hamilton (verified owner) –