Most of you know that Madeleine is one of my favorite teachers. This book represents her life’s work…the culmination of years of study, of teaching, and of treating patients. I would not plan on sitting down and reading it cover to cover, but rather picking an intriguing starting point from the index and following where that leads you.
Another delight in this volume: seeing so many friends, colleagues, and people I have studies with over the years quoted. Even me!
A valuable reference for all, no matter where you are on your aromatic journey.
This book is written for those health care professionals who wish to incorporate clinical aromacare into their setting as an integrative part of nursing, or their medical and therapeutic practice. It offers you inspiration and information, backed up by scientific and empirical data, illustrated by compelling cases and contributions of fellow health care professionals from around the world, as well as suggested strategies for implementation and research.
Madeleine Kerkhof shares her decades of experience as a nurse, clinical aromatherapist and educator, and her passion for the gifts of Mother Nature, to offer you tools to enhance quality of life for patients. In this book you will find:
o Comprehensive information on selected essential oils, base oils and CO2’s, their chemistry and safety requirements.
o Guidance along routes of administration and a Clinical
o Reasoning tool for optimal patient centred care.
o A full chapter on scent perception and the influence of scent on all dimensions of wellbeing.
o Well founded background information on major topics, such as (procedure) anxiety, restlessness, sleep, pain, trauma, IV complications, oral care, nausea, respiratory issues, skin & wound care, etc, both in the general population and special patient groups, from cancer to dementia care.
“Madeleine successfully conveys her deep understanding of the different aromatic tools she uses and generously offers her rational and heart-based approach to alleviating suffering for sick patients“, Rhiannon Lewis.
“I have no doubt that this text will support care and compassion the world over“. Marnie Reven.
“Madeleine is able to bridge the gap between knowledge and expertise in Aromacare to evidence-based practice in the workplace”
Inès von Rosenstiel.
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