A Spooktacular Halloween Sale
First, our thoughts and prayers go out to all our friends, clients, and readers in the northeast USA…as I type this I am watching the disaster that is Hurricane Sandy and worrying about friends at risk. An old friend’s signature was “Stay Safe and Warm” this is our wish for all of you.
This newsletter contains:
On October 31st our traditional Trick or Treat sale will give a discount on all our retail sized essential oils, CO2 extracts, and absolutes. The discount will range from 12% to 15%. At checkout simply use the promotional code treat and press apply, the discount will be reflected on screen. If you do not see the discount please go back and re-apply; we can not apply it retroactively.
Veterans Day, November 11 (celebrated on Nov. 12 thanks to the Monday Holiday Law,) there will be free domestic shipping to any military address. (We are thinking APO and FPO, but if you are military stationed in the US, please let us know.) The shopping cart will not do this, you’ll see shipping at checkout, but we’ll credit it wherever applicable.
NEW and Back in Stock
Our long awaited shipment of Wild High Altitude French Lavender has arrived. We also imported some mid altitude Lavender Population, again from an EcoCert producer in France. Also we’ve brought in a less costly Spike Lavender from Spain. Red Myrtle from Morocco…Powerful veinous decongestant, antispasmodic, perhaps useful in dealing with head lice. Read about, and order, all of these on our new and special page.
With the new Lavenders, we have expanded our Lavender Species Sampler. It now contains a full dozen 5 ml bottles of 12 different lavender species oils.
NEW Baby Gift – “Our Best Baby Gift” we’ve combined our two most popular baby products for one spectacular gift. Take a 16 oz bail jar of Baby Bottom Balm, add one of our Happy Baby Travel Sets (a spa bag with 4 ounces of Happy Baby Balm, and 2 ounces each of Happy Baby Massage Oil and Happy Baby Wash.) Package in a gift box with pretty “baby pattern” tissue and you have our ultimate baby gift.
“That’s Better” a new blend to ease pain from bumps, bruises, overstressed and/or strained muscles. We’ve had reports from people using it successfully with plantar fasciitis. We’ve given the formula, it’s an easy “do it yourself” but if you don’t want to blend your own, we’ve blended it for you.
New Skincare oil – a European Anti-aging secret our clients have shared with us. When a LOT of people request something we try to bring it in. Amaranth Seed CO2 for antiaging, or to ease winter dried skin.
You requested larger sizes of Shea Butter. We are now offering our pure white naturally refined Shea Butter in both 4 ounce and 16 ounce bags.
Save 10% on Some of Our Favorite Gifts
Cleopatra’s Secret Gift/Travel Set, Harmony Travel Set, Week of Bliss gift set, all our Bliss Baths, and, for him, our two Sandalwood sets, the Pure Sandalwood Sampler and Sandalwood Ready to Wear. All on our new and Special page.
Blog Updates
- 12 Days of Christmas Crafting
- Day One featured Bath Salt blending.
- Day Two Christi described how to make a Personal RollOn with suggestions for perfumes or therapeutic blends.
- Day Three featured suggestions for creating personal inhalers.
- Day 4 showed gifts made using our unscented Shower Gel.
- On Day 5 Christi shared suggestions for blends using our 1 fl oz massage oil bottles.
- Day 6, half way through, suggestions for using our tiny clay pot diffusers.
- Day 7 – skincare using Kaolin Clay masques.
- Day 8 – create a personal Silken Lotion.
- Day 9 – craft a Blissful Bath.
- Day 10 – working with Aloe, Shea and Cocoa butters (including a formula for my daughter in law’s favorite belly balm!),
- Day 11 – create your own salve, balm or solid perfume with aromatic floral waxes and/or beeswax beads.
- Wrapping up the 12th day Christi shared ideas for creating aromatic gifts using our Liquid Castile, and some packaging ideas. Please note, the special sales associated with each day’s blog are long over, but the recipes and ideas are still timely
- We blogged answers to some questions. “Do Essential Oils Expire?” How to avoid “overloading” your nose.
- And a volunteer/guest blogger wrote about her many uses of our MERCY body wash and gel to maintain her own wellness.
Whew… lots of writing in October!
Our Clients Say:
Madeline Jaye wrote:
I too wish you or someone would do a formal study on Callophyllum and Ravensara for Shingles.
A few years back I had shingles which presented at first as feeling of a sunburn on my thigh (not exposed to sun though!) then it got shingle-y. i never went to the doctor b/c I knew what it was and I knew there was nothing to take/do for it. I looked in my oils book and discovered that one of the oils I’d gotten for a friend with Psoriasis, was also recommended for shingles, Calophyllum. And it said mixing that with Ravensara would get rid of the pain and help them go away sooner. So I put that on, a few drops, a few times a day. No worries, it went away. The other day I started feeling something on my arm like the Shingles starting- same sun burn-ish/cold-ish feeling on the skin. I reached for the dynamic duo once again. Twice that day I smoothed on a few drops of each. By the next morning all symptoms were gone!
So get someone to do that study!!
best, madeline Jaye.
When I wrote back asking for permission to quote, she replied:
Absolutely! For the record, I’m middle aged, in excellent health no medications other than low dose thyroxin for hashimotos/ thyroid, I’m extremely fit, a dancer, actor, teacher of dance/acting, mom, homeschooling parent and I rarely get sick (I only offer this up because we really don’t always know what else is going on in someone’s life when they write in and many factors influence our health, obviously) in both instances I was super stressed, sleep deprived and not eating as well as I should. And it is my understanding that these are conditions which lay fertile ground for things like Shingles to take hold.
Please, keep doing what you do over there! its a wonderful gift for all of us out here!
We love feedback like that…and it just adds to the data we are collecting about Shingles!
HALLOWE’EN RECIPE – Mulled Cider, from Marion Lane:
I made some homemade spiced cider with our neighbors apples. To 32 ounces of fresh cider, I added 1 1/2 – 2 cups Orange Juice, a small cinnamon stick, a dash of nutmeg and cloves (to taste) and 3 drops of sweet orange EO. Heated in a crock until thoroughly hot and served. It was delish. I haven’t used the EO in a cider before, just orange zest…but this time, there is no zest to strain. It is REALLY good if you add a cabernet, slightly warmed to the mix for the adults:o)
(Thanks for letting us share that, Marion!)
My favorite Hallowe’en quote, from Bobby Burns:
“From ghosties and ghoulies and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night, dear Lord deliver us!”
Happy Hallowe’en all of you!
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